Enjoy a cruise with
a traditional ship
Sea Edition

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Sea Edition

The joy of clear blue waters
Sea Edition

Ormos Arachnes (or Tourkolimano)
Hard-to-reach from land “Ormos Arachnes” closes all around in a rocky lunar landscape reminiscent of a fjord. At its end, the long neck ends in a sandy deserted beach. The impressive formation of the Fjord protects the waters inside the bay from the north winds, leaving the sea calm!

St.Alexander island
Inside the peaceful bay of Vravrona, the islet of Agios Alexandros emerges from the sea. A small church and a windmill of Cycladic architecture are built on it, giving Aegean notes to the beautiful landscape!
It is said that St. Alexander’s church at the top was built by the locals overnight to prevent grandiose plans to build on top it a hotel or a casino.
From the boat one can, with a short swim, to follow the small path to the top and enjoy the view and the architecture of the church.
Tortuga Beach
We named this beach Tortuga and made it our “pirate” lair.
Two concrete docks project into the sea with the forests of Hamolia hanging over the beach and to its right and left, at its two ends, the rocks were sculpted beautifully by nature. On one side, a shallow and low grotto offers its shade, while opposite a magnificent double arch can be seen dug into the cliff. Buried in the sand of the bottom is the wreck of a small wooden boat. Only its old engine and the wooden spars protruding from the skeletal hull are visible.

The Sunken Sea Cave
Along the coastline of Hamolia towards Porto Rafti, the wooded hills drop steeply to the sea. The rushing waves have sculpted the rocks into impressive geological formations. The most interesting of them, is a small cave. It’s opening is exactly at the height of the sea, making it look shipwrecked.
In addition to the above destinations where the ship stops, the ship will also pass through other points on the cruise. See them below.
Port of Porto Rafti
Near the center of Athens, the picturesque harbor of Porto Rafti, is located in Markopoulos and is officially called the “Port of Mesogaia”. Its name, however, as Porto Rafti, owes it to the giant ancient statue that dominates the entrance of the bay, on its largest island. The port of Mesogaia was Attica’s gateway to the northeastern Aegean and the Pontus. It was inhabited during the Proto-Helladic period (3,000 BC), while from the 12th century with the collapse of Byzantium and the constant raids of pirates, the inhabitants fled inland. Until the middle of the 20th century, the port had a commercial character. From this came fresh vegetables from the islands of the Cyclades and the northern Aegean to supply Athens, while wine and must were exported to the islands, northern Greece and Marseilles.

The Colossus of the Tailor
Its oversized height, together with its base, exceeds 4 meters, qualifying it as a “Colossus”. It was sculpted in the 2nd century AD. of white Pentelic marble, while its form is clearly altered by air and dirt as its ends and head are broken. Legend has it that the statue is a petrified girl, who was marbled as she ran to escape her pursuer. On the other hand, archaeologists argue that it represents a goddess. However, the tradition prevailed, since the people imagined a seated tailor holding his stolen golden scissors, giving the name to the entire port.
Blue Lagoon
The “Aspronisia”, as they are called, are a small cluster of islets off Hamolia. Their waters are protected from strong winds leaving a blue-green lake in the center like an exotic Blue Lagoon. The Greek seas are full of similar deserted islets.
As dry and barren as they may seem, the small islands are extremely important to the ecosystem. For terrestrial animals they are not attractive since they have little space, food and water. But for the seabirds that feed in the sea, a small island is not only sufficient but also an ideal shelter protected from any kind of intruder.

Love Cave
The Love Cave (or Erotospilia) is one of the most famous, worldly and most beautiful beaches of Attica. The beach consists of a small cove with rocky and tree cover offering natural shade. At the point where the rock meets the sand, a small cave is formed, which is responsible for its name, as it was there that couples in love found refuge from prying eyes.
Natura 2000
Most of our cruise is within the Natura 2000 area of Vravrona and its Coastal Zone. Here the forests of Hamolia collapse on its steep coasts creating impressive geological formations, small picturesque islands, caves, fjords and calm beaches. In the heart of the area is the wetland of Vravrona, where the small river Erasinos flows. A natural marsh is formed in its delta where it is one of the most important wildlife refuges of Attica. Reptiles, amphibians, mammals and birds find refuge in the reedbeds and wet meadows. Although the wetland is shallow and unsuitable for visiting by boat, we can admire the beauty of the Natura area and enjoy its lush nature and its many birds and seabirds. But the wealth of Vravrona does not stop where the sea begins. Many species of fish, sponges, shells and molluscs live on the seabed, completing its mosaic.
We used the i naturalist application to make the collage with some of the animals found in these waters.

Vravrona Bay
Many years ago, in the Mycenaean era, legend tells how Agamemnon’s children, Orestes and Iphigenia, stole a wooden statue of the goddess Artemis from the land of the bulls and built a temple in a sacred place to house it. Iphigenia is even said to have remained a priestess in the temple until the end of her life, where she was buried. In the ruins of the temple, the white marble columns stand out even today in the quiet meadow of Erasinos. Vravrona was first inhabited in the Neolithic Age and was united with Athens at the time of Theseus, forming one of its 20 municipalities. Today, in fact, its archaeological site houses a museum with exhibits from the wider Mediterranean region. Over time, Vravrona continues to be in harmony with nature. Around the temple spreads its wetland and the Natura 2000 area. Its rich ecosystem is suitable for a walk in the countryside and it is considered an ideal place for birdwatching!